Twitter Brand Pages: what now?
So your company has a Facebook page, a Google Plus page and of course a YouTube channel. Obviously, you have a Twitterfeed with all the latest news and an active discussion going on with fans and almost-fans. Footwear Gears You tap into trending topics and actively monitor what the discussion is. Basically, you’ve got it all sorted. And then, along comes the latest possibility, a Twitter Brand Page. Here we go again. So what is it exactly? And are their already some best practices to learn from? Let me take you through what’s happening. Parajumper Gobi Femme Official launch Twitter Brand Pages March 2012 It is good to know that Twitter Brand Pages will only be available starting March 2012. Bailey Button Ugg Triplet Before that date, Twitter are working with a selected number of companies that have proven to invest heavily in Twitter advertising such as Promoted Tweets / Promoted Trends. Air Max 90 Hombre So, that gives you a couple of weeks to come up with a solid strategy before you actually dive in, right? Let’s take a look at the options. Canada Goose Calgary Jacket What can you do with your Twitter Brand Page? First of all, it is good to realize that a Twitter Brand Page is an ‘upgrade’ to your existing Twitter Profile. Adidas Zx Flux Homme Bleu So in actual fact, there is not much more you need to do to get things going (that is, if you already have a business profile up and running). There are a couple of additional features however that will be made possible once you set things up:
Adding creative materials to your page, such as banners, headers and a larger avatar In other words, you can create a much more branded look & feel to your page to ensure the right tone is set. You will also be able to link through to other touch points and ensure that Twitter is part of the user-journey within your framework.
View YouTube video’s directly in your timeline YouTube video’s are displayed through the embedded player directly in your timeline, so you can ensure that your fans stay on the page whilst viewing your great content. Air Jordan 5 The same goes for images by the way. Canada Goose Manteau Femme Pretty neat feature.
Make Tweets ‘sticky’ We all know of the possibilities that Blogs have to ensure that specific content generates enough attention from first-time (or returning) visitors and now you can do so with your Top Tweets as well.
Separate @replies and @mentions Not an exciting functionality from a user perspective, but much more for a marketer / community manager as you can now easily wade through the clutter and make it a whole lot easier to respond and engage with your fans.
There will be a lot more coming, but for now I believe these are some pretty cool functions to start playing around with. Connecticut Huskies Jerseys Again, it will not be made public until March 2012, so plenty of time to think your options through. Syracuse Orange Jerseys Launching companies Need some inspiration? Let’s take a look at a few of the first companies to have launched a Twitter Brand Page: @CocaCola @Dell
More information on Of course, there is more information available from Twitter. Visit the page Twitter: Let your brand take flight for more specific info on the Twitter Brand Pages.